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About Us


Every year, PostNord purchases goods and services for about SEK 20 billion from thousands of suppliers.

We have a central function for group-wide procurement, tasked with enhancing PostNord’s profitability by using a simple, efficient, group-wide purchasing process.

In our role as a major purchaser, we have both the opportunity and the obligation to make demands on suppliers with respect to sustainability. In each procurement contract, we want our suppliers and any subcontractors to comply with criteria regarding safety, quality, and the environment. PostNord suppliers must live up to our demands and must present the best offer in terms of overall cost.

Since we place demands on our suppliers, they must be able to trust us as a customer. Our procurements must be conducted objectively and in a business-like manner. We must keep our purchasing processes and supplier relationships up-to-date by using statistics and follow up. We strive to achieve a highly ethical purchasing process.

PostNord is responsible for properly handling purchases and procurements. Our collaborations with suppliers are subject to a number of regulations:

  • Purchasing shall be characterized by objectivity and professionalism, and shall follow each country's law and our code of ethics
  • Procurements shall be competitive, exploiting PostNord’s strength as a major customer
  • PostNord shall act as a single unit by co-ordinating its purchasing activities
  • PostNord shall work to standardise both products and suppliers in order to achieve the best possible overall economy
  • PostNord shall use selected suppliers


More about purchasing

Qualify for future procurements

Due to the new procurement act 2014/25/EU we have chosen to implement and use a qualification system for a number of categories and their sub-categories.

How to invoice PostNord

PostNord's suppliers are important partners. Read about our requirements for invoicing, the ways in which you send in invoices and why an invoice is returned.

Responsible procurement

Each year PostNord purchases goods and services for billions of SEK from a large number of suppliers. The majority of these purchases involve transport and services.