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People by PostNord

Our green transition

Ask the question “What is sustainability?” and you will get many answers. The answer to “What is Green by PostNord?" is much more straightforward. Green by PostNord is the Group’s program to transition to fossil-free transport and operations by 2030.  

Postnord has taken on the role of leader in the green transition of the logistics sector – but there are more than a few twists and turns along the way. As our roadmap needs to take into account a changing world, it is updated and edited annually in order to match the latest technological developments and political decisions.  

However, one thing remain constant: Green by PostNord affects the entire company and the transition is crucial to our future. Amanda Jackson Keskitalo, Head of Group Sustainability and owner of the Green By PostNord transition program, and Axel Scheutz Godin, Senior Green Technology Lead, explain what Green by PostNord actually means.  

Green by PostNord is a Group-wide climate transition program; can you give an example of what that does entail in practice?  

“Simply put, Green by PostNord is something of a special force, with the task of making PostNord fossil-free by 2030. More specifically, this mainly means shifting the vehicle fleet from fossil to fossil-free fuels. We are about eighty dedicated experts from the whole group who work together in different centers of excellence and work streams, including electromobility, biodrive, subcontractor transitioning, net zero buildings, and rail and air. And of course, the entire effort involves many more functions and colleagues.”  

Fossil-free by 2030; how will we get there?  

“We’re powering the transition to greener logistics by progressively reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. One key aspect of the transition is that both we and our subcontractors are adapting our vehicle fleets through investments in electric and biogas vehicles. Transport operations make the biggest contribution to our carbon impact, but as we are to be fossil-free in 2030, we also have to restructure the energy supply to our buildings.”  

Two interim targets have been established for the journey to the 2030 target – what are they?  

“In 2025, we are to have cut the carbon impact from our operations by 40 percent compared to 2020, and in 2027, our last mile transports are to be emission-free, i.e. electrified.”  

What are the differences in how our Nordic countries are approaching the transition?  

“The conditions are different on account of geographical and political aspects, and as regards how much work has already been done. Also, Sweden and Denmark have many own vehicles while Norway and Finland mainly rely on suppliers. Cooperation and knowledge-sharing are crucial to our success in accomplishing the transition.”  

What types of cooperation are required?  

“We need to work together within the Group, with our partners in the transport sector, and with other transport providers and customers. One specific example of our commitment is our membership of the Pathway Coalition – a working relationship involving a number of major companies whose aim is to accelerate the reduction of carbon emissions from heavy transport.”  

Our goals are ambitious; will we achieve them?  

“The goals are ambitious, certainly, but absolutely realistic. However, we cannot achieve them on our own. We need to work together within and outside our company and sector to speed up the transition to greener logistics. The climate transition also has to do with future-proofing our company. Customers and other stakeholders request fossil- and emission-free transport. The future has no place for companies dependent on fossil fuels.”  


Text: Kristina Ramström Photo: Samuel Unéus  

More about our green transition

We’re electric

Today 28 percent of our total vehicle fleet is electrified – mainly e-bikes and light vehicles. Focus now is reaching the interim target: that PostNord’s entire fleet of vehicles in last mile is emission-free by 2027.

Change through cooperation

A fossil-free PostNord requires fossil-free transport providers. This can be achieved through procurement, knowledge sharing and working together.

The journey to a fossil-free future

Currently almost 40 percent of PostNord’s own vehicle fleet is fossil-free. Combined with electrification, biofuels form part of the solution to achieving completely fossil-free transport.